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Islamic Outreach Project (IOP) is a very unique group that focuses on sharing the real and clear message of Islam with the wider community in UK. We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission of UK under the Charity Registration Number 1186933.

The main objective of the IOP is:

To advance the Islamic religion throughout the United Kingdom for the benefit of the public in particular, but not exclusively by:

  • Producing and distributing literature, seminars, outreach and interfaith activities to enlighten others about Islam;
  • Contributing to the spiritual and moral education of children by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities;
  • Contributing towards a better society by promoting better understanding and social cohesion.

IOP welcomes people of all faiths and no faith to take a journey towards understanding the truth and reality of our creation and the purpose of our life. We invite people to develop the thought process of making objectivity as their tool for deriving any conclusions and to follow the dictum “To see things as they really are not as we want to see them!


We believe that each and every member of the society should have access to learning Islam without having to pay for it, hence we distribute all our print material including the English translation of the Quran totally free of charge.

Over the past 10 years IOP has managed to conduct more than 500 community engagement stalls in public places throughout the country. During the same period more than 70,000 copies of Quran in English were distributed and more than 425,000 books and literature were provided to the wider community; all free of charge, with a view to dispelling misconceptions about Islam in the community and to help better understanding of each other’s faith and beliefs.

We therefore are in need of your help and support to reach the 60 million people in our country.

Kindly donate to our account:

Llyods TSB
Account number 40531568
Sort code 309089

IBAN: GB82 LOYD 3090 8940 531568